Department of Systems Engineering and Informatics, VŠB-Technical University of OstravaSokolská třída 33, 702 00, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Mehdi Toloo is a Reader in Business Analytics at Surrey Business School, UK. He also holds a Full Professor position in Systems Engineering and Informatics at the Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. Before that, he was a Full Professor in Operations Management at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman. Areas of interest include Operational Analytics, Operations Research/Management, Decision Analysis, Performance Evaluation, Multi-Objective Programming, and Mathematical Modelling. He has contributed to numerous international conferences as a chair, keynote speaker, presenter, track/session chair, workshop organizer, and member of the scientific committee. Mehdi has lots of experience in leading and collaborating on many successful research projects: (1) Performance evaluation in the presence of unclassified factors, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic, 2019-2022. Budget: 172,000 € (Principal Investigator), (2) Economies of Scope in Network Data Envelopment Analysis Models, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic, 2017-2019. Budget: 126,000 €, (Principal Investigator), (3) Multiple Criteria Decision Making Modelling: Novel Weighting Methods and Hybrid Approaches, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic, 2017-2018. Budget: 70,000 €, (4) Selective Measures in DEA: Theory and Applications, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic, 2016-2018. Budget: 106,000 €, (Principal Investigator), (5) Examining Allocative Efficiency Through Network Data Envelopment Analysis, Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic, Budget: 65,000 €, (6) Research Team for Modelling of Economic and Financial Processes at VŠB-TU Ostrava, Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic. European Social Project, 2013-2015. Budget: 1,180,000 €. Mehdi acts as an editor for Computers & Industrial Engineering (ELSEVIER), Decision Analytics (ELSEVIER), Healthcare Analytics (ELSEVIER), Journal of Business Logistics (WIELY), RAIRO-Operations Research (EDP Sciences), Mathematics (MDPI), and Central European Journal of Operations Research (SPRINGER). He has written fifteen books and his research mainly has been published in top-tier (4*/3*) journals including European Journal of Operational Research, OMEGA, Energy, Computers & Operations Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, and Annals of Operations Research.